Monday 6 July 2015

'Everything was based around my breasts': Actress who lost her boobs to a flesh-eating virus begs surgeons to give her new implants - and revive her flagging career


  •  Total nightmare: Heather lost her breasts to a flesh-eating disease after a surgery to reduce the size of her chest left her with a life-threatening infection that forced doctors to remove her breast implantsActual miracle: Dr Dubrow was able to take Heather's shriveled breasts and add a D implant to give her a full chest (pictured)
  • Heather Elizabeth Parkhurst, 47, asked surgeons Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow to fix her 'zombie boobs' on last night's episode of Botched
  • The actress, who got implants when she moved to Los Angeles, was known for her ample chest and competed with Pamela Anderson for roles 
  • After she decided she wanted to get more serious parts, she underwent a breast reduction – which left her with lopsided breasts
  • A third surgery, in which a doctor added screws to her rib cage, resulted in a life-threatening infection and the loss of her breasts 
  • The episode also featured Evelyn, who had a 'butt' on her stomach, and Jacob, whose nose was reconstructed using cadaver skin 

An actress who lost both of her breasts to a flesh-eating disease, after a procedure to reduce the size of her implants went terribly wrong, has gone under the knife again in the hopes of reinvigorating her career and snagging 'boobilicous roles'.  
On Sunday night's episode of E! reality series Botched, Heather Elizabeth Parkhurst, 47, from California, asked Los Angeles-based surgeons Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow to reconstruct her shriveled breasts, which she referred to as 'zombie boobs'.
'My whole career has been based around my breasts and when that was taken away from me my career was taken away from me,' she explained to the cameras. 
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Last resort: Heather Elizabeth Parkhurst, 47, from Los Angeles, asked surgeons Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow to reconstruct her shriveled 'zombie boobs' on last night's episode of E! reality show Botched
Last resort: Heather Elizabeth Parkhurst, 47, from Los Angeles, asked surgeons Paul Nassif and Terry Dubrow to reconstruct her shriveled 'zombie boobs' on last night's episode of E! reality show Botched
Total nightmare: Heather lost her breasts to a flesh-eating disease after a surgery to reduce the size of her chest left her with a life-threatening infection that forced doctors to remove her breast implants
Total nightmare: Heather lost her breasts to a flesh-eating disease after a surgery to reduce the size of her chest left her with a life-threatening infection that forced doctors to remove her breast implants
Heather, who was grew up in San Francisco, moved to Los Angeles to become an actress, where started to feel the industry pressure to change her body. She decided to get breast implants and go from an A cup to a DD cup to give herself a leg up on her competition.
Her large breasts helped her land bit roles playing beautiful women on popular television shows, including Married with Children and Beverly Hills 90210.
'My number one competitor was Pamela Anderson,' Heather said of the former Baywatch star for roles, who is also known for her ample bosoms. 
Despite her success, Heather began to second guess her decision when she realized she wanted to audition for more serious roles like 'secretary to the president'. 
'When you are in this entertainment business, you never think you are good enough. That really messed with my head,' she noted. 
Only wish: Heather, pictured with her friend Felix (center), Dr Nassif (left) and Dr Dubrow (far left) during her consultation, used to be known for her ample chest and hoped the doctors could give her new breasts 
Only wish: Heather, pictured with her friend Felix (center), Dr Nassif (left) and Dr Dubrow (far left) during her consultation, used to be known for her ample chest and hoped the doctors could give her new breasts 
Heather decided she wanted a smaller chest, but after her reduction, her breasts were lopsided and there was rippling on her skin. 
Her surgeon has promised her that his new procedure, in which he put screws in her rib cage, would give her the breasts she wanted. 
After the surgery, her breasts looked great, but she felt deathly ill and her temperature began to spike. Her doctor immediately sent her to the hospital where she was diagnosed with a flesh-eating disease caused by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Heather came very close to dying and had to have her implants taken out. It took her a full year and half to recover, however, there was nothing left to her breasts except shriveled skin.    
'Now that my breasts are out, I am not who I used to be at all,' she said. 'I feel like I lost my whole career.'
Huge change: When Heather first moved to Los Angeles to become an actress she had breast implants put in, going from a size A bra (pictured) to a size DD
Huge change: When Heather first moved to Los Angeles to become an actress she had breast implants put in, going from a size A bra to a size DD (pictured)
Huge change: When Heather first moved to Los Angeles to become an actress she had breast implants put in, going from a size A bra (left) to a size DD (right) 
Botched boobs: After deciding she wanted to reduce her breast size so she would be considered for more serious roles, Heather had another surgery and ended up with lopsided bosoms 
Botched boobs: After deciding she wanted to reduce her breast size so she would be considered for more serious roles, Heather had another surgery and ended up with lopsided bosoms 
With the support of her friend Felix, Heather met with Dr Dubrow and Dr Nassif for a consultation, sharing her traumatic story.  
'That's when plastic surgery can kill,' Dr Dubrow said of her infection. 
Dr Dubrow noticed that she was wearing breast prosthesis that appeared to be a size D, causing him to initially worry that Heather would want a voluptuous chest that was not possible. 
However, Heather candidly explained: 'I am just locked into having breasts.'
'It's so rare to have a patient be so realistic about the outcome,' Dr Dubrow said of Heather's expectations for surgery. 
Dr Dubrow agreed to take on her case, although Heather had feared that he was going to be sent away like other doctors had done to her before.   
Actual miracle: Dr Dubrow was able to take Heather's shriveled breasts (pictured) and add a D implant to give her a full chest
Actual miracle: Dr Dubrow was able to take Heather's shriveled breasts and add a D implant to give her a full chest (pictured)
Actual miracle: Dr Dubrow was able to take Heather's shriveled breasts (left) and add a D implant to give her a full chest (right) 
Better than expected: Dr Dubrow had worried about her skin being too thin, but he was he was surprised to learn that he was able to create pockets that fit larger implants like the ones Heather was accustomed to
Better than expected: Dr Dubrow had worried about her skin being too thin, but he was he was surprised to learn that he was able to create pockets that fit larger implants like the ones Heather was accustomed to
Better than expected: Dr Dubrow had worried about her skin being too thin, but he was he was surprised to learn that he was able to create pockets that fit larger implants like the ones Heather was accustomed to
'Any result that is better than what I have I will be extremely grateful for,' she said.
During surgery, Dr Dubrow was worried that her skin was too thin. She could start bleeding, the implant could erode through or she could develop another life-threatening skin infection. 
'It could be the end of her career,' he noted of the possible complications, calling her 'one of the bloodiest cases' he had ever seen during surgery. 
However, after breaking up scar tissue inside the breast, Dr Dubrow realized that he was able to make a pocket big enough to hold size D implants.
The surgery proved to be a success and weeks later when she went to have her bandages removed, Heather started crying tears of joy. 
'They look amazing,' she said. I can't believe it. To feel that I have breasts again. I don't even have words to explain it. It just makes me cry because I am so happy.'
Feeling like herself: Heather cried tears of joy when she saw her new perky breasts
Feeling like herself: Heather cried tears of joy when she saw her new perky breasts
Feeling like herself: Heather cried tears of joy when she saw her new perky breasts 
Back to work: Heather, pictured showing her new look to her friends and agent, said she can't wait to start going on auditions again 
Back to work: Heather, pictured showing her new look to her friends and agent, said she can't wait to start going on auditions again 
Heather noted that she couldn't wait to go see her agent, get nice clothes and start going on auditions again.   
'I can't wait to just let the world know I am back,' she said.
When she showed the final results to her some of her friends, including Felix and her talent agent, they were amazed by wonderful she looked.
Heather credited Dr Dubrow for performing a miracle, and added that she can't wait to start landing 'cougar' roles. 
Another patient featured on this episode was a massage therapist named Evelyn who was left with a stomach that looked like a butt after a botched surgery in Mexico.
Bad decision: Another patient on last night's episode, Evenlyn (pictured) was left with a stomach that looked like a butt after she had a tummy tuck in Mexico 
Bad decision: Another patient on last night's episode, Evenlyn (pictured) was left with a stomach that looked like a butt after she had a tummy tuck in Mexico 
Feeling insecure: Evelyn, who was short on money, had the procedure in Tijuana because the father of her two children criticized her body and stomach 
Feeling insecure: Evelyn, who was short on money, had the procedure in Tijuana because the father of her two children criticized her body and stomach 
Evelyn explained that she had struggled with her weight her entire life. Her mother made her hyper aware of her size and made her start wearing girdles when she was only 14-years-old.   
'I was never comfortable in my own skin,' she told the cameras. 
When she was 16, she met the father of her children and had two kids by the time she was 19. One of his major contentions in their relationship was her weight and how her abdominal area looked after carrying two children.
Evelyn started to diet and lost 60lbs, but her relationship ended in heartbreak. She decided to reward herself by having a breast lift and tummy tuck in Tijuana, Mexico, in the hopes that her 'mommy makeover' would help her win her husband back.
'I think I was very much in love with him opposed to him being in love with me,' she recalled. 
Relationship rescue: Evelyn's misshapen midsection (pictured) made her feel self-conscious and affected her intimate relationship with her now husband Luis. She hopes that her new stomach will help her feel sexy
Relationship rescue: Evelyn's misshapen midsection (left) made her feel self-conscious and affected her intimate relationship with her now husband Luis. She hopes that her new stomach (pictured) will help her feel sexy
Relationship rescue: Evelyn's misshapen midsection (left) made her feel self-conscious and affected her intimate relationship with her now husband Luis. She hopes that her new stomach (right) will help her feel sexy 
Total package: In addition to removing the 'butt' on Evelyn's stomach, Dr Dubrow also whittled down her midsection with liposuction
Total package: In addition to removing the 'butt' on Evelyn's stomach, Dr Dubrow also whittled down her midsection with liposuction
Total package: In addition to removing the 'butt' on Evelyn's stomach, Dr Dubrow also whittled down her midsection with liposuction  
Not only did her plant backfire, but complications arose when she woke up during surgery because Evelyn was never put under anesthesia.
There was redness and her incision came apart, leaving her with a rotting wound that could fit a baseball.   
'Now my stomach looks like a butt,' she said. 
Evelyn met her husband Luis in 2009 at a party, but they have struggled throughout their relationship because she never wanted to be intimate or show him her body.
They never even went on a honeymoon because she didn't want to be at a destination where everyone was showing off their bodies. 
Evelyn is also very spiritual. She wears crystals for healing and warding off negative energy, and when it was time to visit the doctors she met with her spiritual guides. 
New woman: Evelyn wore a crop-top to reveal her new and improved stomach to her husband Luis, who was thrilled with the results 
New woman: Evelyn wore a crop-top to reveal her new and improved stomach to her husband Luis, who was thrilled with the results 
While Dr Nassif noted that plastic surgery takes more than magic, Dr Dubrow said that he finds his spiritual patients to be optimistic people who tend to heal well. 
After hearing her shocking story, Dr Nassif told the cameras: 'Don't go to Tijuana for surgery'. 
Evelyn desperately wanted her scars gone because they were a reminder of emotional trauma, and Luis said that he probably prays for this surgery more than she does. 
Despite it being a high-risk procedure, both Evelyn and Luis agreed that she needed to go through with it in order to live her life to the fullest. 
The surgery went wonderfully, and both Evelyn and her husband were amazed with the results. Evelyn came downstairs wearing a crop top to show Luis her amazing new stomach.
Difficult task: Jacob (pictured) asked Dr Nassif to reconstruct his nose after having four previous nose jobs 
Difficult task: Jacob (pictured) asked Dr Nassif to reconstruct his nose after having four previous nose jobs 
Fitting in: Jacob (far right) was born in Iran, but grew up in Sweden. He was always uncomfortable about looking different and got a nose job after high school. When he grew out of his new nose, he sought another surgery
Fitting in: Jacob (far right) was born in Iran, but grew up in Sweden. He was always uncomfortable about looking different and got a nose job after high school. When he grew out of his new nose, he sought another surgery
Luis, who has said they were in 'bleak territory' before the procedure because she was always depressed, gave his wife a rose quartz crystal as a symbol of his love for her. 
The two kissed and agreed to finally go on their honeymoon.
Also on the episode, a costume designer named Jacob asked Dr Nassif to fix his nose, which he said has 'been chopped up more than Ahi Tuna'.
Jacob was born in Iran, but his family moved to Sweden during the war. Growing up in Sweden, Jacob was self-conscience about looking different, particularly the appearance of his large nose. 
'It was the only thing I could see when I looked in the mirror,' he told the cameras. Instead of saving for college, Jacob saved for a nose job, which came out perfectly.
He loved his new nose, but as he kept growing, so did it. By the time was 22, he had grown out of it and needed a second procedure. 
Total reconstruction: Jacob's new surgeon performed three procedures on him, making his nose look worse and worse (pictured). However, Dr Nassif was able to take cadaver skin to reconstruct his nasal passages
Total reconstruction: Jacob's new surgeon performed three procedures on him, making his nose look worse and worse. However, Dr Nassif was able to take cadaver skin to reconstruct his nasal passages (pictured)
Total reconstruction: Jacob's new surgeon performed three procedures on him, making his nose look worse and worse (left). However, Dr Nassif was able to take cadaver skin to reconstruct his nasal passages (right)
Finally happy: Jacob was thrilled that his new nose looked 'beautiful' and allowed him to breath for the first time in years
Finally happy: Jacob was thrilled that his new nose looked 'beautiful' and allowed him to breath for the first time in years
Finally happy: Jacob was thrilled that his new nose looked 'beautiful' and allowed him to breath for the first time in years 
Jacob's new doctor performed the procedure after only giving him a local anesthetic. He could actually hear the doctor cutting cartridge and recalled the pain being excruciating. 
When he woke up, Jacob said it looked like the doctor had stuck Play-Doh on his face and left it there. The doctor swore he could fix it and offered Jacob a third and fourth procedure for free. Because Jacob was broke he agreed to the additional surgeries. At the end, his nose was worse than ever and he had completely given up hope. 
During his consultation, Dr Nassif told Jacob that there was a chance he would have to use cadaver skin to rebuild his nose, which was missing missing necessary skin and cartridge.
'I mean we are talking about a corpse on my face,' Jacob noted in shock. 
While Jacob wasn't thrilled that Dr Nassif would be using a dead person's skin, he was happy to hear that he should be able to breath through his nose again. 
Dr Nassif did end up using the cadaver skin on Jacob, but it was worth it. 
When Jacob unveiled his new nose to his boyfriend Jeremy, he was shocked by the unbelievable results.
'Jacob looks amazing, not because of the work, but because he is so happy,' he explained. 
And Jacob was thrilled to once again have a functional nose.   
'Not only can I breath, it looks beautiful,' he said. 
Botched airs on Sunday at 9pm in the US and on Tuesday at 9pm in the UK

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