Hello People, Hope u get wonderfully blessed by this. Someone sent it to me and I loved it. It's real. Comments are always welcome. What do u all think, i know it could be a lot to read just put in a few minutes let me know what u all think, which points makes more sense, less sense or no sense at all. It is OK to critisize as well.
Personally i think this is a intuitive message and could kinna give u some guidance in your life not necessarily relating to marriage but just about relationship with people and life as a whole.
Powerful message by Minister Creflo Dollar
[center]This question is a valid one and many of us have asked the same thing. Some of us who didn't ask the question have suffered tremendously because we choose a mate. I want to begin answering the question by saying this - God does not "choose" a mate for you. This is a misconception that many of us have as believers.
Creflo Dollar did a wonderful teaching on this and basically what Pastor Dollar said is that God makes "presentations - It's up to you to choose."
The Lord doesn't make choices like that for us. He doesn't even make the choice for us to be saved. We have to "choose ye this day whom we will serve." If God doesn't force salvation on us, He certainly will not force a mate on us. So, I'm so sorry to tell you, you can't put it on God. The choice is yours. That being said, God will certainly not have us ignorant.
While He does not choose our mates, He "presents" potential mates who, based on His infinite knowledge, He feels will meet our needs. My, my, my, If I'd only listened to the leading of the Holy Ghost and not my flesh. But that's another story.... Moving right along. I also want to add that it just as important to be the right person as it is to choose the right person.
If you are not all you need to be, even if God were to send the right man/woman, you could not be in a position to receive him/her. You won't know how to treat him/her, talk to him/her, love him/her, comfort him/her, support him/her, nurture him/her etc.
Ladies, I'm going to help the brothers out a little bit. Some ladies say we want a good man, with a good job, handsome, built. Don't get mad with me now, but are you where you need to be? Are you a good woman with a good job? Do you make yourself attractive and do you keep yourself in shape? Or are you living beneath your privilege a spoiled, big mouth, loud, unruly woman that never combs your hair, your fingernails are dirty and you got runs in your stockings and scuff marks on your shoes? Lawd, y'all ain't going to like me today. That's alright. You just need to be honest with yourself. You want a man that looks like Denzel, shaped like Wesley Snipes, and paid like Michael Jordan, but you don't keep yourself up, shaped like Miss Piggy, and your credit is so bad you can't buy a tube of toothpaste on credit. Did I say something about credit? ( Let me leave that credit thing alone!)
But seriously, you've got to bring something to the table too. What do you have to offer this wonderful brother that you're believing in God for? One has to be honest with one's self. Now, after you have examined yourself, ask yourself some basic questions about the man you're considering:[/center]
1. Is He/She Saved?
That's the first question you need to ask.
If not, that person is not the one and if you think he or she is the one, then that might be the person, but not the one right now. You need to wait. The bible clearly states that women are to be submissive to our husbands. It is difficult to submit to a man who is not submissive to God. He is not equipped to lead you. I don't care how much money he makes, what kind of house he lives in, what kind of car he drives, or what's in his bank account. If he does not know Jesus, he is not the one.
2. Do you have the same beliefs?
If you believe in speaking in tongues, does he/she believe in it too? If you are a woman minister, does he believe in women preachers? (Some brothas have a hard time with this one....). What was his/her religious/spiritual up bringing? Does he greet people by saying "Praise the Lord" or does he say "Assalaamalaikum"? Would either of those bother you?
3. Do you have the same interests?
I know a couple of sistas that happen to love to read, sing, write, watch soap operas, talk shows etc. But, in a minute, they will beat any man to the TV for a good football game, boxing match, and basketball game. Most men can appreciate that! What things do you have in common?
4.Is he/she interested in you?
Do you have to call all the time? Go see him/her all the time? Initiate all communications? If so, the brotha/sister don't want you. I just have to make it plain. If you have to do all the calling, all the writing, and take all the initiative, just face facts and move on. Don't run behind him/her chasing them, because even if he/she is a little bit interested, that will turn him/her off. A person with some determination knows how to pursue what they want. If it's you they want, he/she knows where you are. You have too much to offer somebody to be playing cat and mouse.
5. Can he support you? (THIS ONE IS FOR THE LADIES..)
"Can he pay your bills...can he pay your telephone bill...can he pay your automobile..." or is he a "Triflin' good for nothin' type of brotha..." It sounds like the women are gold diggers and for a woman of the world that might be the case, but we're talking about what the Bible says. According to the Word, the man is supposed to be the head-IN EVERYTHING! Some men want to be the head until it's time to pay bills. When it's time to pay bills then we all equal. We are all one in the Spirit. Man, please! Ask the man if he can and is willing to support you if necessary. He might get mad, and if he does "he ain't the one." If a man is not willing to provide for you, he doesn't think very much of you. Leave him alone. That doesn't mean you can't or shouldn't work, but if you work, it should be because of your choice, not of necessity. I'm in the book, y'all. Don't get mad with me.
Then ask yourself some basic questions:
* Is this a person you want to see Unclad for the rest of your life?
* Are you physically attracted to him?
* Does he/she have other children? If so, are you ready to be a parent to children you didn't birth?
* Is he/she your spiritual equal or greater?
Ask yourself these and other questions and be honest. Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and let things line up with the Word of God. Does he/she fit the bill? Will he love you as Christ loves the church? Will she willingly submit to you? Will he be your provider, protector, comforter, nurturer, and a godly head? Will she be your helpmate? If you feel good about the answers to your questions, then pray about it and trust God. Chances are, you've got the right one! If not, keep waiting. It's better to be single for a little while longer than marry the wrong person and head to divorce court. Trust me.
Hope this has done you some good. "Often the most difficult part of faith is when no more action can be taken and nothing remains but to wait patiently for God to work out His will. It is at this moment that doubts arise and anxiety creeps in.
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