Friday, 26 June 2015

Meet The Queen's 'Best Friend' 8 Years Old Mohammed Who No Stranger To Royalty!


Boy takes off his top hat and shakes the Queen's hand
Welcome to the world of little Mohammed bin Ahmed Jaber Al Harbi, the Queen's new best friend who is no stranger to royalty.
The charming eight-year-old melted hearts all around the world when he approached Her Majesty for a handshake at the Epsom Derby on Saturday.
Dressed in a morning suit, he politely removed his top hat before offering his hand.

He is already at home among the great and the good - counting Dubai's Crown Prince Hamdan as his 'best friend'.
One picture shows the pair driving in a £145,000 Mercedes G55 SUV, while others show the father and son hanging out in the opulent surrounds of Dubai.

His father, Ahmed Jaber 'AJ' Al Harbi, is a close friend of the prince, and he spends much of his time travelling the world with his father and the royal.

Check Out His Other dapper Photos:

                               Mohammed bin Ahmed Jaber Al Harbi
                                                         Mohammed is a dapper young chap

                               Mohammed bin Ahmed Jaber Al Harbi
                                                          The little charmer makes friends with some giraffes

                               Mohammed bin Ahmed Jaber Al Harbi
                                     Mohammed is no stranger to the lifestyles of the rich and famous

                                 Mohammed bin Ahmed Jaber Al Harbi
                                             Mohammed and Hamdan pop out for something to drink

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